
other useful (?) stuff ... of historical interest

North America of course is the home and birthplace of the demountable camper. Not surprisingly therefore it's also a vast resource of historical material. Some of it is gathered together on the vintage truck camping americana page.
The classic UK demountables page looks at some of the manufacturers and models that are no longer in production or, in most cases, existence but which still occasionally crop up on the second-hand market.
History in the making - the where are they now? page lists the recent losses and closures among demountable constructors, many of whom have fallen victim to the on-going financial uncertainty.

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'Classic', 'vintage', or just plain 'old' - whichever name you prefer the camper links on this page are probably of historical interest rather than practical use. They describe and illustrate some of the development of demountables, their styling and their manufacture.

If you find dud links here or if you're aware of other stuff that should be included, please let me know.