guide to demountables ... what are they?
A demountable is the name most commonly used in the UK (See the glossary for other variations) to describe a camping unit designed and built to be carried on the cargo area of a pickup or flat-bed truck. What distinguishes this camping unit from the back of any other motorcaravan is the provision of legs, or jacks, which can lift and support the unit so that the pickup or truck can then be driven out from underneath it.
In other words, the unit can be demounted from the vehicle; like this ...
(Hold cursor over image to animate)
... and having been separated, the base vehicle and the camping unit can be used independently - one of the demountable's main advantages over other forms of motorcaravan.
Among demountables there is an infinite variety of shape, size, layout and level of equipment.
Demountable units can be triangular, square, or even round.
They range in size (and weight) from those designed to fit in the bed of a small half-tonne pickup; ...
... to those which can only be carried by a very large vehicle with an 8-foot-long cargo bed, twin rear wheels, and a carrying capacity of several tonnes.
In layout they range from the simplest box with little more than a bed and a cupboard; through the modest camper with room enough for two; ...
... to full living accommodation with bathroom, lounge and kitchen and slide-out extensions.
And, as you would probably expect, within those layouts the levels of equipment go from barely sufficient for an uncomfortable night out; ...
... through the camper with a few lights, a small sink and a cooker, adequate for two or three weeks camping; to the fully equipped motorhome with fridge/freezer, microwave, shower, and everything else required for long-term, independent living.
TOP of the page
This is the place to start if you are new to demountables, or they are new to you.
This page provides a simple description of what demountable campers are and how they work and looks at the range that is available.
You'll find more useful, introductory information on the common questions page.